Mark your calendars for our 2025 Day of Caring
Saturday, April 12th!
It's time to register for the 2025 Day of Caring!
Gather your friends, neighbors, coworkers and family members and form a team! Online registration forms are below!
Deadline to register: Wednesday, March 19th.
Note the following NEW information:
*We have a NEW check-in location! Check-in on April 12th will be at the Grove City Area Middle School on East Main Street, Grove City, PA.
*Due to fewer project sites last year, we are limiting our # of volunteers to 300. Once we have reached 300 volunteers, registering teams will be placed on a wait list until we determine if we have enough project sites to place all volunteers. Be sure to get your registration in early!
Day of Caring Schedule:
*8:00 - 8:30 a.m. - Volunteer check-in at Grove City Area Middle School, East Main Street, Grove City
*8:15 a.m. - Complimentary breakfast for volunteers
*8:45 a.m. - Welcome/Instructions/Group Photo, then depart for your project site
*9:00 a.m. - 12 noon - Day of Caring Service
*Rest of the day - Feel great knowing that you helped a neighbor in need!
Volunteers: click the links below for online registration forms and liability waivers:
*Team Registration Form
*Liability Waiver (Adult)
*Liability Waiver (Under Age 18)
Project Requests: may be completed by/for elderly or disabled residents of Grove City; or schools, churches, non-profit organizations located in Grove City
Sponsorships: Grove City area businesses, please consider sponsoring our event to help make our community even better!
Paper Copies: prefer pen and paper? Forms can be printed via the links below and returned to us by email or postal mail:
*Team Registration Form
*Liability Waiver (Adult)
*Liability Waiver (Under Age 18)
*Project Request Info Letter and Project Request Form
*Sponsorship Information and Sponsorship Commitment Form
Website by: OneEach Technologies
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