Grove City Area United Way 2024 Board of Directors & Staff
Front Row l to r: Kathy DiStasi (Staff), Amy Foley (Executive Director), Connie Nichols, Lisa Pritchard (Staff), Marisa Jackson, Jennifer Connelly, Lindsey Crevar, Stephanie Como
Back Row l to r: Nate Gressel (Vice President), Mike Johnson (Secretary), Adam Critchlow, Mitch McFeely, Mike Hazy (President), Alex DeGroff, Brady Beech (Treasurer), Thomas Biro
Missing from photo: Jeremy Hedegore, Sonni Zambino
Grove City Area United Way - MISSION STATEMENT
The mission of the United Way is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities. The Grove City Area United Way has identified the following areas as funding priority areas within our mission:
- Crisis Intervention
- Supporting Vulnerable Populations
- Strengthening Families and Promoting Self-Sufficiency
- Helping Children and Youth Succeed
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